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/ Games to Treasure / Games to Treasure - Disc 1.iso / emerald / flig_z / vasezf30.zip

File Comment
This archive is from The Emerald Shareware Games Collection 

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
!README!.NOW Text File 11 513b 1992-03-31
FREDHIST.DOC Text File 51 2KB 1992-05-27
VASEZF30.DOC Text File 263 10KB 1992-05-27

Other Files (4)
DCAS24RP.DY1 Unknown 10KB 1991-06-27
DCAS24RP.SC1 Unknown 56KB 1992-05-27
EZFRAMP.MOD Unknown 526b 1992-04-01
FREDTOUR.DEM Unknown 20KB 1992-05-27